The PowerCase was designed with the ski slopes in mind. Slip your device in at the bottom of a run and it’ll charge up while you’re in line and on the lift. Your X1 PRO or PROMAX will automatically go into sleep mode so you can get flying again immediately.
Equivalente a 12,000 mAh, dos y media cargas adicionales.Temperatura de funcionamiento óptima < 20°C (68°F). No se recomienda su uso por encima de 30°C (86°F).

- Easy slip-in design for protection and charging.

- Supports X1 PRO/PROMAX's instantaneous wake-up from sleep-mode.
Incluye una correa desmontable para cargarlo sobre la marcha.
How to Use
Qué incluye el paquete:
Herramienta de extracción del adaptador de carga*1,
Adaptador de carga*1,
Correa desmontable*1.