HOVERCare Eligibility Check

Discounted Replacement:
If your device is accidentally damaged or lost, you can pay a small fee for a brand-new or like-new replacement, so you can keep flying.

Factory Maintenance:
Enjoy comprehensive maintenance that includes inspections, firmware updates, cleaning, and replacing worn parts like propellers and frames to ensure optimal performance.

Exclusive Repair Discounts:
If your HOVERAir device or accessories are damaged under normal use or accidental circumstances during the validity period, you can enjoy exclusive discounts on repairs. Note that repair costs accumulate, and discounts cannot be used if they exceed the number of services.

Loaner Device:
While your HOVERAir device is being repaired, you can rent a loaner device by paying a deposit, which is fully refundable upon return. This way, you won’t miss any flying time.

Replacement Express:
Once your faulty device is sent back to HOVERAir service center, we will simultaneously send out a replacement device, ensuring you receive the replacement device quickly to minimize any downtime.

Labor costs are not covered.
Labor costs are not covered.
Labor costs are not covered.
Labor costs are not covered.

1. Which model(s) does HOVERCare cover?
Currently, only the HOVERAir X1 is supported by HOVERCare.
2. Why should I buy HOVERCare?
HOVERCare is a 12-month service plan that provides extra coverage for accidental damage or a flyaway during your HOVERAir device use. Exclusive services or discounts for non-warranty situations are also provided.
3. Does HOVERCare support international coverage?
Yes. If you have purchased HOVERCare for your HOVERAir device, you can apply for services included in your service plan in other countries or regions where HOVERCare services are available.
4. Can I cancel HOVERCare?
If your HOVERAir device is returned according to HOVERAir return policy, you can apply to return HOVERCare as well. If your HOVERAir device has not been returned, the HOVERCare services have not been used, and the plan has been activated for less than 15 days, you can also apply for a HOVERCare cancellation.
5. When does HOVERCare become active?
HOVERCare becomes active as soon as you connect your HOVERAir device to the app for the first time for activation.
6. How does the HOVERCare discounted replacement service process work?
- Your HOVERAir device accidentally gets damaged;
- You reach out to customer service to initiate a discounted replacement service request;
- You pay the fee, get a return label, and send your HOVERAir device to the HOVERAir service center;
- The replacement device is sent out to you as soon as your HOVERAir device is on its way;
- You receive the replacement device shortly after your original device is returned.
7. Is the replacement offered by HOVERCare a new device?
The replacement device will be either brand-new or a like-new device equivalent in performance and reliability.
8. Does the replacement device automatically link to the original HOVERCare?
Yes. The replacement device will automatically inherit the remaining validity period of official warranty and HOVERCare coverage of the original device.